The Environmental Cost of Packaged Soft Drinks

Bartenders no longer have to make a choice between the environment and quality.

Americans drink over 10 Billion gallons of soft drinks a year. That number alone is staggering. However, if we assume 50% of this is canned, according to Coca-Cola, average 250 gm CO2/can or bottle will be emitted to drink that product. This would results in 86 Million Metric Tons of CO2/year. Reducing this to 50% consumed at the soda fountain, take this down to 37 Million Metric Tons (66% reduction). Since a typical passenger car burns 4.6 metric tons/year (or 10K lbs) this change is equivalent to removing 8 million cars off the road. 

As part of our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, Top Note is helping bars make this important decision by offering our top line mixers and soft drinks in the bag-in-box/fountain concentrate format. 

If a bar chooses to pour a fountain drink vs a bottled drink (like a tonic water), they can reduce the cans or bottled products and reduce the CO2 waste to get it there. 

Breaking this down for the Bar..........

If you are bringing in 20 cases of bottled imported mixers/month then you are also;

1. Burning 4500 Lbs CO2/year (about 1/2 car worth)

2. Spending $10K/ year MORE than you need to

3. Stocking, storing and throwing out over 12,000 bottles

This is per flavor. If you can save in one area this year, why not here?

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