Coffee Cola Corazon

A cola can be so overwhelming with sweet and underwhelming with flavor it seems, that making a NA cocktail may seem like a whiff. But Top Note's Cola is infused with cinnamon, orange peel, and lime, making it one of the more complex colas on the market. Plus, it is half the sugar of others, so why not indulge here?

This simple, yet effective NA drink makes the most of pantry ingredients. Mix the syrup and cola, and then top with bitters and lime juice. A coffee house twist is to add espresso and forget the lime for a Coffee Cola, a wonderful way to get both a fix for cola flavor, and a boost of caffeine. Top Note has 35 mg caffeine/12 oa can.

4-6 oz Cascara Cola by Top Note

3 dashes any bitters with a cocoa or pepper note

2 oz Top Note club soda (if you want to cut calories) or 2 oz espresso for a more robust treat. Lime juice optional.

2 bar spoons cherry syrup

Squeeze of lime (optional)

Bar cherry and lime garnish

Build this drink in a tall highball glass. Add bitters, cherry syrup, and espresso (if using) to the glass. Stir. Add cola, club and ice. Gently stir and garnish. 


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