Blueberry Basil Mule

Blueberry Basil Mule

A riff on the classic, there is something about the bright fruit of blueberry, ginger and then the herbal notes of basil that makes this work. Try this at your next get-together for a real treat.


3-5 Blueberries

3 Leaves Basil (try a Thai basil for extra spice)

1.5 oz Vodka

4 oz Ginger Beer


Muddle Blueberries, Basil and Vodka together in a shaker. Add 2 cubes ice. Shake for 20 seconds and strain liquid off into your mule cups. Add crushed ice and Ginger Beer. 

Garish with Basil, Cucumber and Blueberries on a toothpick.




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